
Doctor Faircloth, EdD by Steve Slavin

Doctor Faircloth, EdD by Steve Slavin Elizabeth was a born self-promoter. By the time she started kindergarten, she had already figured out that the trick to getting ahead was to just tell people what...

The Fafank by Dillon Eliassen

The Fafank by Dillon Eliassen The other eulogists had stood at the lectern away from bisnonna Marie’s casket, but I took my turn standing near her; I wished to speak to bisnonna Marie as...

The Twin That Wasn’t by Zaitouna Kusto

The Twin That Wasn’t by Zaitouna Kusto Reza was the twin that survived and so he was an only child. His sister, who would have been named Rula, died inside their mother. Nevertheless, Reza...

The Two-Tailed Monster by Abhirup Dutta

The Two-Tailed Monster by Abhirup Dutta The nightmares began three days after Ishani moved from India to Kyoto. She found herself moving through narrow straight roads, with traditional Machiya-style houses, adorned with paper-lanterns. She...

A burger and a bourbon will be fine by Malky McEwan

A burger and a bourbon will be fine by Malky McEwan “Busy?”             “No,” my default answer. When you need the money, you need the money. “What you got?”             “Simple job, man. Come meet me...

Fat Meera by TA Thakadipuram

Fat Meera by TA Thakadipuram Meera’s life would change forever on that warm August day, but her morning began innocuously enough — she awoke to her bleating alarm clock at 6:00 AM and, for...

The Laughter of the Clown by Mark SaFranko

The Laughter of the Clown by Mark SaFranko The moment Garrett Bernson pushed through the turnstile and went for the vacant bench, he saw her. A tall blonde of around thirty, she was standing...