Vol 12

Item Number Six By James Rumpel

Item Number Six By James Rumpel As the security guard completed his inspection of the area and continued his check of the perimeter of the compound, two mysterious figures crouched in the impeccably manicured...

The Boy with an Earache by Jon Wesick

The Boy with an Earache by Jon Wesick Pain! An ice pick of agony stabbed Kenny Johnson’s ear. He imagined millions of germs attacking his ear drum with microscopic pick axes and packing the...

Oun Srolanh Bong (Girl loves Boy) by Steven W. Palmer

Oun Srolanh Bong (Girl loves Boy) by Steven W. Palmer 1. Boy meets girl, it’s one of the oldest stories in the world. From casual meetings outside a cave through to spilling her drink...

Reset by James Rumpel

Reset by James Rumpel The screen door swung open so quickly and ferociously that it nearly came off of its hinges. It slammed shut just as vigorously behind Danny Wilson. The twelve-year-old boy kicked...

A Nation of Sheep by Jon Wesick

A Nation of Sheep by Jon Wesick Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom! The sound of synchronized clapping and foot stomping shook the convention center’s walls. Harsh camera lights cut through the darkness to...