Vol 10

Soul Candy by JN Powell

Soul Candy by J.N. Powell Condensation dripped down the side of Anton’s cocktail glass in alternating reflections of chartreuse, teal, and violet. The bar’s ambient lights transitioned among the three shades in a sad...

The Quest Giver by Joe Prosit

The Quest Giver by Joe Prosit “It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this.” The kid, and he was just a kid, too young to be called a man, looked funny at the gun resting...

Between Now and Then by Chip Jett

Between Now and Then by Chip Jett Tasha McKentry opened her eyes. She knew this had all happened before. Everything. The ticking clock on the wall; the harsh scrape of a cheap public school...

Louise’s Love Letters by Mark SaFranko

Louise’s Love Letters by Mark SaFranko     My brother Vaughan was always the most sociable member of our family. He was the one who made good, solid friends, valued them, stayed in touch, put...

The Accident by N T Franklin

The Accident by NT Franklin The accident changed everything for Randolph. Scott and Randolph were brothers, but as different as night and day. Scott was a head taller and weighed a third more than...

In an Imperfect World by Patrick Ritter

In an Imperfect World by Patrick Ritter The White House security robot, a Jackson 7000, opened the Press Office door and the journalists filed in, quickly filling the press briefing room. Another security bot...

Dinner in Phnom Penh by Leroy B Vaughn

Dinner in Phnom Penh by Leroy B Vaughn Mitchell looked at his watch, it was twenty-five after eight. “One good thing about the secret service” he told himself, “Is that you don’t have to...

You’re Alive by Cristopher Preston

You’re Alive by Cristopher Preston Have you ever been hunted? I have, and its taken some time to ever speak of it. July third, nineteen eighty-nine, was the first time I heard his distinct...

Hammers & Nails by Robert William Wilson

Hammers & Nails by Robert William Wilson            Gordon Simms stepped back to admire his handiwork. It was crude, to be sure, but still functional. Impressive even, considering he lacked almost all the necessary...

The Dogs of Night by Joanna M Weston

The Dogs of Night by Joanna M Weston Darkness, brambles, tangled undergrowth, as she stumbled, dogs snuffling, howling, coming fast behind her. Was there an end? No time to think, just run, run from...