Freedom Fiction Journal An eclectic mix of all flavours of genre fiction

The Arrival by Alastair Millar

The Arrival by Alastair Millar They’d had to go in blind, of course. Oh, HD 40307 had seemed like a good bet: the seventh planet out had been deemed so likely to be habitable...

Fly Away Peter, Fly Away Paul by Paul Kimm

Fly Away Peter, Fly Away Paul by Paul Kimm I’m eighteen and it isn’t a good time between me and my mother. In turn that means it’s not good between me and my father....

Factory Theodicy by Olivier Faivre

Factory Theodicy by Olivier Faivre Theodicy: argument vindicating God’s goodness in view of the existence of evil We’re all looking at the financial auditor hunched over his paper-thin laptop. He’s perusing the digital scorecard...

The Way the Cookie Crumbles by James C. Clar

The Way the Cookie Crumbles by James C. Clar The usually crowded streets were all but deserted. It was nearly 3:30 A.M. after all. The only people out wandering were hookers after a few...

Blorb by Jon Moray

Blorb by Jon Moray           Author’s Note: This story was inspired by a real-life event that happened in 1974, where a family found a sphere on their property. The sphere in this story, unlike...

The Auspex File by Patricia Bohnert

The Auspex File by Patricia Bohnert aus·pex n. pl. aus·pi·ces (ôsp-sz)An augur of ancient Rome, especially one who interpreted omens derived from the observation of birds. Chapter One: The County Social Services Office “Auspex,” she tapped her pencil on...

Giovanni and the Bird by Cameron D. Alexander

Giovanni and the Bird by Cameron D. Alexander Jack sighed in resignation as he peered through his dusty Venetian blinds at the carload of Armani thugs. He wasn’t going anywhere in his slippers and...

Some Kind of Angel by Austin Roberts

Some Kind of Angel by Austin Roberts The scene was bad. Male. 60’s. And the pavement had played piñata with his body when he landed. It wasn’t my game anymore, the murder scene, but...

UFO of the Yards by Garret Schuelke

Editor’s Note: Read the previous adventure of Gray Wolf (please don’t call him that) by clicking the link: “Trial on the Chicago River by Garret Schuelke” UFO of the Yards by Garret Schuelke A...